FREE PTE Master Class on 6 June 2024



Date: 3 June 2024

Time: 9am - 4pm

Address: ONLINE via ZOOM


Get your PTE Score within next 30 Days

Unlock Your PTE Success:

6-Hour Masterclass to Achieve Your Target Score Within 30 Days

Are you tired of studying for the PTE exam without seeing results?

Do you feel lost amidst random online resources & outdated templates?

You're not alone! Many students struggle to achieve their desired PTE score, leading to wasted time, money, and frustration.

Hurry Up! To know how to pass PTE within 30 Days, join the Free Master Class on 14 May

Our Trainer has the best track record

To make student pass PTE Academic within a given time frame


Years of Experience


PTE Success Stories


90 Scorers in PTE

Complete 4 PTE Sections Within 6 Hours

We will complete questions from Speaking, Writing, Reading & Listening

Speaking Section

Step 1: The Scoring Mechanism

Step 2: The Basic & Fundamental

Step 3: Method Learning

Step 4: Demonstration

Step 5: Practice & Mistake Identification

Step 6: Feedback

Writing Section

Step 1: The Scoring Mechanism

Reading Section

Step 1: The Scoring Mechanism

Listening Section

Step 1: The Scoring Mechanism

How PTE Master Class Works For You

You Will Focus More On The Common Pattern Of Mistakes In PTE Exam Preparation

How PTE Master Class Works For You

You Will Focus More On The Common Pattern Of Mistakes In PTE Exam Preparation

Trusted By Hundreds Of Students

Let's read some awesome word from our students regarding our Trainer

“Their teaching method is very easy to understand and very precise. They have plenty of resources and videos and it can help anyone to get the score”


PTE Score: 90

“I sat PTE exam 4 times and I never knew the scoring pattern of each section. Their method really works. I simple trust them for PTE coaching.”


PTE Score: 87

“If you have 4-5 weeks time and you want to get your desired score 65, you can simple follow them. Why I did the same thing and got my score in PTE.”


PTE Score: 74

Frequently Asked Questions

We've Answered The Most Frequent Questions Regarding The Master Class

What is PTE Master Class?

This 1-day PTE course is specially crafted for students, offering a thorough coverage of all sections through a basic and systematic approach to learning. This program has been allocated a time frame of 6 hours. The allocation will be divided into four equal sections. The Speaking Section will be the first component, lasting for 90 minutes. Subsequently, a 15-minute break will begin, after which the next session will focus on writing, reading, and listening. Following the completion of 2 sessions, there will be a lunch break lasting 30 minutes. To get more information, we encourage you to call us.

Is it fully Free? Is there any extra cost for this?

Yes. This PTE Master Class is being offered completely free of cost. To secure your participation, you must register as soon as possible, as there is a limited number of available seats. The registration process requires you to click the registration button and complete the subsequent steps. Upon doing so, we will contact you with further details.

Our intention is to provide targeted assistance to those urgently seeking to obtain their required scores within next 30 days.

Register Now

How can I register for this program?

To register for this PTE Master Class, please click on the registration button link and complete all the required steps. You will encounter three multiple-choice questions designed to assess your current level of knowledge and familiarity with the PTE Academic exam.

Is it online?

Yes. This PTE Master Class session will happen online. You can attend from anywhere in the world. It is very important that you attend on time and stay for the entire 6-hour session from start to finish to get the full benefit.

The 6 hours will be split into 4 parts, covering each section of the PTE exam separately:

1) Speaking - 90 minutes

2) 15 minute break

3) Writing - 90 minutes

4) 30 minute Lunch break

5) Reading - 90 minutes

6) 15 minute break

6) Listening - 90 minutes

So it will flow:

Speaking -> Break -> Writing -> Lunch -> Reading -> Break -> Listening

The full schedule is 9am to 4pm, which is 7 hours total. 6 of those hours are for the class content, and 1 hour is break/lunch time.

I am very new to PTE Academic. Can I join?

This 6-hour PTE Master Class is for everyone - both beginners and those who have taken PTE Academic before but not gotten their target scores. The trainer will cover all levels - from basics to advanced strategies. He will teach methods and let you practice, so you can continue studying effectively at home after.

If you're a total new/beginner, having some basic PTE knowledge beforehand will help, but it's not required. The session caters to all levels. The key focus is: Attend this session, follow our guidance, and we'll ensure you get your desired PTE score within 30 days.

You Should Register Now!

This session is Intensive and If you need it, you must register now.

PTE Master Class: A Comprehensive Class for High Scores in PTE

The PTE Master class aims to equip students with the necessary skills and strategies to excel in the Pearson Test of English (PTE) Academic exam. This intensive program covers all four sections of the test: speaking, writing, reading, and listening. Through a meticulously designed curriculum and experienced instructors, the Masterclass provides a thorough understanding of the exam format, common mistakes, and proven techniques to maximize scores.

Phase 1: 90 Minutes

Speaking Section

  • Introduction to the five question types: Read Aloud, Repeat Sentence, Describe Image, Re-tell Lecture, and Answer Short Question.
  • Identifying and avoiding common mistakes in speaking.
  • Techniques for improving fluency and content delivery.
  • Understanding the integrated scoring system and its impact on reading and listening scores.
  • Effective use of templates for concise and well-structured responses.

Phase 2: 90 Minutes

Writing Section

  • Strategies for writing a well-structured essay within the 20-minute time limit.
  • Focusing on the seven scoring parameters: content, form, grammar, vocabulary, spelling, and written discourse.
  • Techniques for generating relevant ideas, examples, and supporting content.
  • Mastering the art of summarizing texts effectively.
  • Understanding the integrated scoring impact on reading scores.

Phase 3: 90 Minutes

Reading Section

  • Importance of time management in the reading section (15-17 questions in 29-30 minutes)
  • How grammar knowledge helps identify correct fill-in-the-blank answers
  • Prefix and suffix techniques to deduce vocabulary meanings
  • Strategies for reordering paragraphs, focusing on pairing rather than just the first sentence identification
  • Applying real-life thinking and writing patterns to paragraph sequencing

Phase 4: 90 Minutes

Listening Section

  • Understanding scoring metrics for the listening section
  • Focusing on four key listening tasks: Summarize spoken text/ Write from dictation/ Listening fill in the blanks/ Highlight incorrect words
  • Common mistakes in summarize spoken text: - Following templates without focusing on content and Grammatical and spelling errors
  • Challenges in write from dictation and strategies for improvement

Have any questions?

If you have any questions regarding this session, please do call us to discuss more.